Home Depot's Operation Career Front got its start in 2004. The program is in direct connection with several branches of the U.S. government, including the Depts. of Defense and Veterans' Affairs. The program provides a direct line of employment opportunities open to military vets and people currently serving in the military and their family members. People who serve in the U.S. National Guard can also take part in the program.
Home Depot knows that the traits of discipline and consistency are desirable in retail and most especially in a managerial position. Military personnel have been through unique experiences that the folks at Home Depot find attractive. Home Depot's Operation Career Front provides military personnel and their family members the opportunity to become a Home Depot associate by working in one of the hundreds of stores, offices, and distribution centers across the United States. Home Depot has pledged to work with their military associates closely. If an associate must transfer to another store due to being re-assigned within the military, Home Depot will see to it that that person gets another position within the company nearby the military base they are stationed at.
Home Depot's Operation Career Front also works with retired military personnel and those people who have become separated. Their collaborative efforts with the U.S. Government to attract and retain people who are qualified and skilled candidates to work in their stores, distribution centers, and offices is highly popular and well received by military members and their families.
Through Home Depot's Operation Career Front program, more than 16,000 veterans were hired in 2004 and more than 17,000 were hired the following year. Home Depot has invested more than $1 million in support to the families of those serving in the U.S. military on active duty. They also are credited with contributing $1 million worth of construction equipment, tools, and supplies to help rebuild in Iraq. Home Depot's Operation Career Front hosts ''Welcome Home'' celebrations for their associates who are returning from U.S. military active duty.
Home Depot's Operation Career Front presents a great opportunity for current and former military members to utilize their leadership and management skills. The program is a win-win situation, as both the employer—Home Depot— and the employee—the service person—benefit. It is a program that is expected to be around for a long time to come.